Friday, November 20, 2009


  1. What psychological methodology does NLP stand for?
  2. David McLelland's motivational theory identified three principal motivational needs which he said each of us possesses to varying degrees, and which characterise our motivational behaviour; what are these three motivational needs?
  3. Which organisation produces the UK's ABC1C2 (etc) Social Grade Classifications Statistics?
  4. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand for?
  5. Who developed the 'Equity Theory' of job motivation in the 1960's?
  6. What does the financial abbreviation P&L stand for?
  7. Who developed the ten stages of corporate life cycle, starting with Courtship and Infancy and ending in Bureaucracy and Death?
  8. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two aspects of business development from the 'new' and 'existing' perspectives?
  9. In selling and communications, what do 'open questions' generally achieve?
  10. Albert Mehrabian researched and published a now widely referenced set of statistics for the effectiveness of spoken communications; what three types of communication did he identify and what percentages for each did he attach to each type in terms of the percentage of meaning (or understanding) that each communication type conveyed from person to person in his study?
  11. In business accounts and financial reporting, expenses which change according to scale of performance or usage or demand are known as what?
  12. What is the name of Ingham and Luft's model and theory which deals with hidden and open areas of knowledge about a person?
  13. The '360 degree' appraisal method collects feedback from whom, about whom?
  14. What are the four levels of learning evaluation defined in Donald Kirkpatrick's model?
  15. What is the correct ascending order of these human needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Self-Actualisation, Biological and Physiological?
  16. What part of our brains typically handles process-type functions, according to brain theorists such as Katherine Benziger?
  17. What does the accounting acronym FIFO mean?
  18. One of the most effective and efficient forms of marketing is abbreviated to the initials WOM; what is it?
  19. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains divides learning development into three main aspects: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor; what might these three aspects of personal development more commonly be called?
  20. Who wrote the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?
  21. The 'Big Five' personality dimensions, by which modern day psychologists believe every person's personality and behaviour tendencies can be measured are commonly abbreviated to the OCEAN acronym; what does OCEAN stand for?
  22. What are the four metaphorical terms used to describe products/services in Boston Matrix model according to market share and market maturity?
  23. The financial ratio which divides a company's 'liquid assets' by 'current liabilities' is known by what popular term?
  24. What three important things should be confirmed and understood before conducting a brainstorming ideas session?
  25. What does the SWOT stand for in SWOT analysis?
  26. What are the 'Four Functional Types' within Carl Jung's theory?
  27. With what was the Kyoto Summit concerned?
  28. What are the four sequential stages of the 'conscious competence' learning model?
  29. What is the '1st Law of Cybernetics' (aka the 'Law of Requisite Variety')?
  30. What are the four main 'Temperament' types called within David Keirsey's Temperaments personality theory?
  31. According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt theory relating to delegation and team development, what must be reduced in order for the team's area of freedom (and growth) to increase?
  32. What does the financial term ROI stand for?
  33. Whose experiential learning theory comprises the learning styles named: Concrete Experience (feeling); Abstract Conceptualization (thinking); Active Experimentation (doing); and Reflective Observation (watching)?
  34. Daniel Goleman was responsible for popularising and defining what management and behavioural concept in his eponymously titled (ie., the title is also the subject) 1995 book?
  35. What is psychometrics?
  36. What is the management technique that is commonly abbreviated to MBWA?
  37. Large size hand-writing generally indicates what characteristics in the personality of the writer?
  38. Since October 2004, UK employers must follow a minimum process of three-stages for handling disputes with employees, including disciplinary and grievance matters; what are the basic minimum three stages required?
  39. Douglas McGregor defined two main styles of management; what did he call them and how are each of the two styles typified?
  40. Bruce Tuckman's theory about team development uses what four sequential rhyming words to describe the four stages of a group's progression?
  41. What are Howard Gardner's seven (original) Multiple Intelligences?
  42. According to Herzberg's motivational theory, which of these are 'hygiene needs' (or 'maintenance factors') and which are true 'motivators': work conditions, salary, achievement, advancement, work itself, responsibility, company car, status, recognition, and personal growth?
  43. What does VAK stand for in the learning styles theory?
  44. What does the business acronym IPO stand for?
  45. What does the PEST stand for in PEST analysis?
  46. What do 'open questions' typically begin with?
  47. What visionary management thinker wrote The Age Of Unreason and The Empty Raincoat?
  48. What are the names of the (nine) Belbin 'team roles'?
  49. In marketing, what are the The Four P's?
  50. A lot of the traditional 20th century sales theory and training was influenced by the 1937 book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'; who wrote it?

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